Sunday, May 8, 2011

Things are Looking Up!

Despite several weeks of severe weather (thunderstorms and tornados...oh my!) alternated with hot dry winds (sometimes 40 mph and more!), the garden is progressing. There were some casualties (wind damage) along the way. Gone are TCU tomatillios, anything that looks like an herb (sorry basil, fennel, and rosemary!) sweet peas, snap peas, and a bunch of marigolds. New additions include: more beans, tomoatoes, jalapeno peppers, cilantro, crook neck squash and a few pumpkins. We have annihilated a large grub population and are currently working on the demise of grasshoppers and snails...the turnip greens were really tasty (if you like that sort of thing...) and so was the spinach and lettuce!

Beans are beginning to sprout!

Fried green tomatoes?

Take that you snails!

Ground level view of onion row