Sunday, June 19, 2011

And Now...Here comes the HEAT...

The HEAT is on....

...and I don't mean a Mavs fan...that will never happen...The HEAT here refers to days of over 104 degrees. Lately, the wind has blown around 20-30 mph at times and the temperature has of today, we have had over 2 weeks of 100+ weather. Rain? Not so much...The garden is not happy. Basically, the beans are toasting, anything that looked vaguely like an herb (with the exception of dill) has long since succumbed to the heat. Grasshoppers are labeling the garden as a smorgasbord for the taking...However, some things have persevered...and we have added a few additions to take the places of the less fortunate...(welcome watermelons, corn and okra!). This week's success stories:

Now these were good...really good...

I never knew peppers could be so sweet...

This pumpkin, growing right in the middle of the so CUTE!

1 comment:

  1. Booo to the heat. Yay to the pumpkin and the peppers! We are still waiting for our tomatoes to turn red -- but yours look awesome.
