Straight from Louisiana came some winter onion bulbs. Thanks to my brother-in-law who swears these plants "manage themselves" through the winter. I hope so!
So far...Fall/Winter gardening is very different because as of now (Dec. 23) there are very FEW pests and NO weeds to speak of. This is a distinct advantage over the Spring/Summer rotation! I certainly hope the gazillion grasshoppers that were still alive during October and November have now sufficiently croaked! A nice touch has also been the rain/snow North Texas has already received so far this winter. After the drought of Summer 2011; I will take moisture in any form for the moment.
As soon as I figure out if the onions are "ready" or exactly how to be a winter gardner...I'll update this blog...otherwise...I promise I know what I am doing come February/March. (Unfortunately, the weeds and bugs know too...)
Happy Holidays!